Monday 6 April 2015

The Gospel Of Grace Series: Understanding The Foundation Of Grace

Whenever I think about the grace of God, I am simply overwhelmed by God’s amazing love for mankind. That’s what grace is all about. The goodness of God that cannot be earned is now freely extended to man by faith.

You see, in order to understand the foundation of God’s grace, you must understand the state of separation and hopelessness mankind was thrown into after the fall of Adam.
Man was created in the image and likeness of God (Genesis 126), and there is a reason for that. First of all it was to create an equality of fellowship between God and man. God is a Spirit (John 424), and He created Adam essentially a spirit being.

It is impossible for a man to have fellowship with a cow, regardless of any emotional attachment there might be between the man and his cow. Equality of life is required if there must be any level of understandable communication and functional relationship between two living beings.